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Quirk’s Virtual Conference: 5 ways to increase the playfulness of your questionnaires right now
By E2E Research | October 3, 2022


Room 2 | 9:40 am – 10:10 am | Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Researchers have gotten very accustomed to writing questionnaires as if they were Charlies Dickens or Jane Austen. But who writes like that? Who talks like that? And how is alienating people through incomprehensible grammar and paragraph long sentences going to increase engagement, data quality, and completion rates?


In this presentation, Annie will show you five tactics for writing questionnaires that are playful and appeal to real people living today. Even better, these tactics are free and can be implemented on the questionnaire you’re writing right now. Let’s make research more playful!


Key takeaways:


  • Questionnaires can be professional, generate accurate data, and be enjoyable for participants, all at the same time.
  • Creating playful questionnaires doesn’t have to cost any money or take any extra time. It just needs commitment to creating a better experience for participants.
  • Every researcher has the skills to create questionnaires that are more playful and engaging for research participants.


See you then!