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Choosing A Set of Flavors To Minimize Substitutions and Cannibalization | A CPG Cluster Analysis Case Study
By E2E Research | May 11, 2021

Research Objective

  • A top retail food chain wanted to understand consumer product substitutions in order to prevent potential cannibalization in sales.


Scope & Methodology

  • A survey was designed to gather consumer perceptions of multiple product flavors.
  • Hierarchical Cluster Analysis/segmentation was conducted using the following process:
    • Identify data requirements and build a survey designed for a cluster analysis
    • Identify product sets with 2, 3, or 4 flavors along with their potential substitutions
    • Map purchase intent for product flavors to understand the impact of substitution

    E2E Research Case Study



    Value Delivered

    • The results showed that certain sets of flavors were less likely to lead to substitutions and cannibalization. The client was able to choose a set of flavors where consumers would be more likely to use more flavors and remain loyal to the brand.



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