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Increasing Customer Acceptance For Controversial Pet Food Format | A Survey Case Study
By E2E Research | April 2, 2021

Research Objective

  • A pet food brand offering a controversial new product format needed to understand purchase behaviors for current brands, and barriers to acceptance for a pet food using insects as a source of protein.


Scope & Methodology

A survey was designed to understand current purchase behaviors and market gaps for fresh and premium pet food products. The survey also focused on understanding awareness, barriers, and purchase intent for pet foods based on insects.

The data showed that:

  • 1% currently use pet food with insect protein
  • 66% were unaware of pet food with insect protein
  • 60% were willing to try pet food with insect protein


Value Delivered

Despite the lack of awareness and lack of use of insect based pet foods, consumers demonstrated that they had a strong willingness to try the product, particularly because of its reduced impact on the environment. The research helped the client understand which message associated with their brand – sustainability –  would be most effective at reaching their targeted consumers.



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