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Esomar Workshop: How to Design Questionnaires That People Want to Answer
By E2E Research | January 9, 2023

Decorative imageResearchers want people to feel comfortable when they’re answering questions so they will share complete and honest answers about their public and private lives. This can be difficult because you first need to create a research environment that shows them they are trusted and respected.


If this resonates for you, then please join our Chief Research Officer, Annie Pettit, for a 3-day (2 hours per day) questionnaire design workshop hosted by Esomar on February 21, 22, 23, at 13:00 UTC.


In this highly interactive masterclass, you will learn about the psychology of answering questions and how to apply that knowledge in a practical way to questionnaire design. You will learn to create questions that make people feel valued and respected, that accommodate normal human behaviours no matter how strange those behaviours may seem to you, and that make people look forward to participating in the next research project.


Registration is now open on the Esomar website!



What will you learn?


After completing this training, you should be able to:

  • Understand how human psychology interacts with the questionnaire experience and how to write questions that accommodate normal behaviours
  • Write questions that are kind and respectful towards people who are marginalised, and people who are embarrassed to share personal aspects of their lives
  • Write questionnaires that people want to answer this time and the next
  • Write questions that are fun and playful


By the end of the workshop, you will have built a set of resources that can be leveraged in a range of future questionnaires.



Programme at a glance


Session 1: Understanding human nature

  • How does human psychology impact how people interpret and respond to questionnaires
  • What are some basic rules for creating respectful questionnaires
  • What mindset do we need to take when building questionnaires


Session 2: Making tough topics more comfortable

  • Creating compassionate screener questions
  • Writing respectful data quality questions
  • Asking about embarrassing or private issues
  • Eliciting truth when it comes to unethical and illegal behaviours


Session 3: Creating a playful experience for everyone

  • How to write playful questions that excite and make people think
  • Incorporating play into serious topics


Please click here to register on the Esomar website.



About Annie Pettit

Annie Pettit is Chief Research Officer, North America, at E2E Research, an ISO 27001 certified, ESOMAR corporate member company that offers market research, data analytics, and business intelligence solutions to help research leaders understand their buyers, brands, and businesses. Annie is a research methodologist who specializes in research design and analysis, data quality, and innovative methods. She holds a PhD in experimental psychology from York University in Canada, is a Certified Analytics and Insights Professional (CAIP), and is a Fellow of the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC). Annie is also Chair of the Canadian ISO Standards Committee (ISO 20252), and the author of “People Aren’t Robots: A practical guide to the psychology and technique of questionnaire design.

Quirk’s Virtual Conference: 5 ways to increase the playfulness of your questionnaires right now
By E2E Research | October 3, 2022


Room 2 | 9:40 am – 10:10 am | Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Researchers have gotten very accustomed to writing questionnaires as if they were Charlies Dickens or Jane Austen. But who writes like that? Who talks like that? And how is alienating people through incomprehensible grammar and paragraph long sentences going to increase engagement, data quality, and completion rates?


In this presentation, Annie will show you five tactics for writing questionnaires that are playful and appeal to real people living today. Even better, these tactics are free and can be implemented on the questionnaire you’re writing right now. Let’s make research more playful!


Key takeaways:


  • Questionnaires can be professional, generate accurate data, and be enjoyable for participants, all at the same time.
  • Creating playful questionnaires doesn’t have to cost any money or take any extra time. It just needs commitment to creating a better experience for participants.
  • Every researcher has the skills to create questionnaires that are more playful and engaging for research participants.


See you then!

    Answer a survey about surveys in preparation for Esomar Congress 2022!
    By E2E Research | August 29, 2022

    Hi and welcome!


    Decorative imageOn Tuesday, September 20th, Rupa Raje and Annie Pettit ran a session at Esomar congress on designing more playful questionnaires. In preparation for that presentation, researchers were invited to complete a very short questionnaire incorporating a range of innovative question designs.


    That questionnaire is now closed but you can read some of the results in our article on Esomar’s Research World. Enjoy!

    How to Design Questionnaires – An ESOMAR Webinar with Annie Pettit and Pravin Shekar
    By E2E Research | July 27, 2022

    Headshot of Annie Pettit, Chief Research Officer, E2E ResearchQuestionnaire design looks easy but when you get into the nitty, gritty details, you will come to a very different realization. In this 50 minute Esomar webinar, I shared a few of my favourite theories and tips to help those new to questionnaire design build more engaging questionnaires.


    Watch the recording and enjoy the technology glitches we experienced. As the saying goes, we made lemonade out of lemons and there was even a prize at the end. Too bad the contest only applied during the live event!


    I hope you enjoy it and perhaps find a couple little tidbits you can apply in your next questionnaire.


    Click here to watch the webinar on LinkedIn.