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Webinar: What Market Research Does Your Brand Actually Need?
By E2E Research | November 1, 2022

Whether you go by Marketer, Strategist, Founder, Entrepreneur, or Start-Up Master, you need the right insights to help you build your growing business from local to global. Register for a webinar that will help you identify the unique insights that various types of market research can reveal in each stage of your business.
> Find out which qualitative techniques would be most beneficial depending on the stage of your start-up.
> Identify opportunities to conduct quantitative research without treating questionnaires as a Swiss army knife.
> Learn how you can benefit from business intelligence.



November 17, 2022; 1 to 1:50pm Eastern

The event has passed. Please enjoy the recording!



Annie Pettit, PhD CAIP FCRIC is the Chief Research Officer, NA, at E2E Research. She is a research methodologist who specializes in participant engagement, data quality, and innovative methods. She has spoken at conferences around the world, educating researchers about the best ways to conduct research that is valid, reliable, and actionable. She is also Chair of the Canadian ISO Standards Committee (ISO 20252). Most importantly, she’s an avid ukulele player.