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Optimizing Healthcare Technology Offerings to Avoid Cannibalization | A MaxDiff TURF Case Study
By E2E Research | October 5, 2021

Research Objective

  • A leading healthcare technology company needed to identify existing product attributes within a product line that were not optimizing incremental customer reach.
  • The focus was on both product features and offers.
  • A survey would need to be designed, scripted, and fielded among healthcare professionals.



Scope & Methodology

  • A MaxDiff and TURF analysis was required to identify the best/ideal set of product attributes and build an optimal model of product combinations/attributes that would reach the maximum number of unduplicated customers.
  • After completing the analysis of the best product attributes, an interactive simulation of customer preferences was designed to observe all possible attribute combinations.


Value Delivered

  • As a result of these analyses, the client was able to build a more effective product line consisting of the most preferred product line while also maximizing customer reach.
  • With this information, they determined that 90% of participants were very likely to purchase from this combination of product offerings.



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